Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet Your MOB!

Weeeeeee're back! 

We hope you've all had amazing summers whether they were spent adventuring at home or abroad...maybe even on a Me To We Trip or at Academy perhaps? Either way, we can't wait to hear all about them at our KICK OFF event happening OCTOBER 13TH! Be sure to check your emails for more info, but until then, we'd like to introduce you to some of the people who'll be shaping your 2012/2013 MOB experience this year...your fantastic LEADS! 

Name: Alice Lambert
From: Toronto, Ontario
Schooling: Currently in grade 11 at Collège français de Toronto 

I first got involved with Me to We when I participated on an amazing trip to Ecuador last summer. I was fortunate enough to meet 25 incredible like-minded young people, including Daniela! After my trip I was so inspired to continue working with FTC/Me to We that I decided to become a part of the Mobilizer movement. 
Prior to my trip to Ecuador, I was and still am a part of my social justice club at my school. Through this club I have participated in many awareness and fundraising campaigns including a 24 hour hunger strike which raised $3,500 for Doctors Without Borders in Somalia and a documentary which was designed to educate students about native youth in Canada.
I'm super excited to be a part of the 2012/2013 Toronto Mob and I can't wait to get started!

Future aspirations: TBD
Favorite book: A Thousand Slpendid Suns
Favorite Movie: Fish Called Wanda

Name: Daniela Spagnuolo
From: Toronto, Ontario
Schooling: First year International Development Co-op student at University of Toronto Scarborough

I got involved in the MOBilizers program 4 years ago when I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at 2009's Toronto We Day! After hearing about the program I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of and I haven't looked back since! The MOB's given me so many great friends and opportunities, including the chance to attend Me To We's Academy in 2011 and building a school in our MOB village of Llullin Totoras, Ecuador this summer (which is where I met Alice!). I've also been involved in a number of social justice initiatives in my high school and can't wait to start getting involved at university! After a super successful MOB year last year, I'm super stoked to come back and work with this year's awesome MOBilizers, Masses and fellow leadership team to make this the most incredible year yet! 

Future Aspirations: Working for an NGO and writing about it! (or becoming a food truck driver on "Eat St")
Favourite Movie: "Cinema Paradiso" or "The Terminal"
Favourite Book: anything by Ellen Hopkins 
Weirdest Fact: I've never seen "Star Wars"….apparently this makes me unfit for living on this planet. Whoops. 

Name: Dylan Bruxer
From : Seaforth, Ontario
Schooling : York University Bachelor of Arts Honours Specialization in Human Rights and Equity Studies 

I began working with FTC/Me - to We by joining my high schools Me - to - We group, and attending the Kenya Mission Trip the following summer.  After that experience, I kept working hard with my schools group to raise close to $65,000 in three years for an all girls high school in Kenya called, Kisaruni.  I am now continuing in the same path and joined the Mobilizers to hopefully bring the same determination and energy, so this year will be the best ever! 

Future Aspirations: Law School or working for an NGO 
Favourite Movie: Mean Girls, I Am and Prayers for Bobby
Favourite Book: Namesake and Its Kind of A Funny Story…. I'm not an avid reader
Weirdest Fact: My dream goal apart from saving the world is perfecting the art of "smizing" a technique invented by Tyra Banks

Name: Julia Wilton 
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario 
Schooling: 3rd year at the University of Toronto, working towards a Bachelor of Arts with Distinction with a major in Political Science (Global Governance & International law) and Peace, Conflict, and Justice Studies 

Free The Children has been with me since I was merely twelve years old. The story of a young boy who happened to be the same age as myself named Craig Kielburger inspired me to find something that I was passionate about and champion it. The search for my passion has lead me to multiple corners of the world - from all over Canada, the United States and Europe to rural villages in India and Central America to Israel and the Middle East, with Africa to come this summer. The one common theme? People. People are my everything. They are my passion, they are my downfall. What better way to help people than to work with one of the most renowned organizations in the world? I have been involved with Free The Children since I was twelve, and am a vintage member of the Mobilizers community. I’ve witnessed the growth and incredible development of so many incredible youth, and cannot properly express the gratitude I feel to be leading you this year. We can do great things, my friends, and believe me, we will. Together we can! 

Future Aspirations: Harvard Law (and then maybe the United Nations, Prime Minister, or to take over the world... for the better, of course!) 
Favourite Movie: American Beauty/Big Fish 
Favourite Book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald / Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels / any poetry ever 
Weirdest fact: I’m obsessed with a man who has been dead for 49 years. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is ma main man. Say what. 

These 4 lovely people will be your point people for the Toronto MOB this year, but even though our title is "Lead", we really want this year to be about listening to the MOBilizers so we can find a way to follow your passions about what YOU want to see the MOB do! We also would like to bring your attention to our main fundraising effort this year...


You can find out more about Llullin by following this link 

or strike up a conversation with Alice or Daniela who were in Llullin this summer working on the school YOU helped fund with all your hard work last year! Who knows? Maybe next year some of you will spend your summer in Llullin working on this project!

We can't wait to meet all our MOBilizers at Kickoff and see all the Masses out at events this year! Until then, keep in touch with us!


Alice, Daniela, Dylan and Julia
MOB Co-Leads 2012-2013

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